
As amended on 30.08.2010

1. The name of the association shall be ‘Veterinary College Alumni Association, Kerala (VAAK).
2. The registered office of the Association shall be at the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur, 680651
3. The objectives of the Association:

3.1. To promote comradeship among the members of VAAK
3.2. To actively participate in the organisation of ‘Foundation Day’ of the college, and in
other celebrations organised by the college.
3.3. To institute awards and endowments in the name of the alumni.
3.4. To publish Alumni Newsletter to disseminate information about the alumni.
3.5. To undertake other charitable projects in the names of the Association with the approval of the General body, for promoting the cause of the Association and public.
3.6. To receive funds / donations for installation of endowments, awards and other charitable activities.

4. Funds of the Association

4.1. The receipts in the name of the Association shall be deposited in an S/B account in the name of the Association and shall be operated jointly by the General Secretary and Treasurer.
4.2. 70% of the life membership fee collected shall be kept in fixed deposits and the annual interest accrued for administrative expenses.

5. Membership

5.1. Eligibility:

5.1.1. Persons holding basic degree in veterinary science only shall be eligible to be a member of the Association.
5.1.2. All graduates, postgraduates, trainees, diploma and certificate holders of COVAS Mannuthy working within and outside India in various fields.
5.1.3. All teachers who were / are members of the teaching faculty possessing basic degree in veterinary science.

5.2. Nature of membership:

5.2.1. There shall be only life membership in the Association.
5.2.2. The students joining College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Mannuthy can be enrolled as temporary members. However, they will not have voting power and cannot hold any office of the Association till they acquire B.V.Sc & A.H degree.

5.3. Membership Fee:

5.3.1. The life membership can be obtained by applying in a prescribed form as approved by the General body paying a non-returnable admission fee of Rs. 10.00 and life membership fee as decided by the General body from time to time. The membership fee can either be paid in cash or as an A/c payee DD in favour of the Treasurer, Veterinary College Alumni Association, Kerala, payable at any bank in Thrissur.

6. Forfeiture of membership:

6.1. The power to remove a life member from the rolls on grounds of indiscipline etc. shall be vested with the General body based on the recommendation of the v Executive Committee. The motion should be passed by the members present in the General body.

7. Office bearers of VAAK

7.1. Patrons: The Dean of the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Mannuthy and the Director of Animal Husbandry shall be the patrons of the Association.
7.2. Associate Patron
7.3. The Executive Committee elected by the General body will comprise of the following office bearers.

7.3.1. President – 1
7.3.2. Vice Presidents – 3
7.3.3. General Secretary – 1
7.3.4. Joint Secretaries – 3 of which one shall be a lady.
7.3.5. District Secretaries – 15 (one from each district and 1 from the College)
7.3.6. Treasurer – 1
7.3.7. Joint Treasurer – 1
7.3.8. Editor – 1
7.3.9. Associate Editors – 2

7.4. The Immediate Past President and General Secretary will be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.

7.4.1. Former Deans of the College will be the advisors.


1. In order to maintain the functioning of the office in the College of Veterinary and Animal sciences, Mannuthy, which is the headquarters of VAAK, one Vice President, the General Secretary, one Joint Secretary, the Treasurer / Joint Treasurer and the Editor / Associate Editor shall be from among the teachers of the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy.
2. The Executive Committee meeting shall be convened at least once in three months.

8. The term of office:

8.1. The term of office of the Executive Committee shall be two years. No member can hold a particular office for more than two terms consecutively. However, in special circumstances, the General body can nominate a person for a third consecutive term.

9. Mode of election:

9.1. The election of office bearers shall be conducted during the Annual General body Meeting convened on any day, preferably convened on the ‘Foundation Day’ of the College (August 1st)
9.2. The Association shall convene one Annual General body Meeting every year. However, special General body can be convened on written request from at least 1/3 of the members on the rolls. At least 15 days’ notice shall be given for conducting special General body meeting.
9.3. The new committee will be installed on the same day of General body and shall hold office for two years.
9.4. The financial year for the Association shall be from April to March.
9.5. The audited statement of account for each year should be presented in the succeeding General body meeting. The accounts shall be audited by a Chartered Accountant.

10. Duties and responsibilities of the office bearers:

10.1. President

10.1.1. The President shall co-ordinate all activities of VAAK
10.1.2. To preside over the meetings of the General body and Executive Committee. 10.1.3. Monitoring the collection and expenditure of the Association.

10.2. Vice Presidents

10.2.1. To discharge all duties and responsibilities of the President in his / her absence. The senior most Vice President by age discharge such duties.

10.3. General Secretary

10.3.1. General Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Association.
10.3.2. He / She shall be the joint account holder of the Association with the Treasurer.
10.3.3. He / She shall be responsible organizing all activities of VAAK.

10.4. Joint Secretaries

10.4.1. Shall help the General Secretary in the discharge of duties and take up the duties and responsibilities in the absence of the General Secretary.
10.4.2. The Joint Secretary from the College shall maintain the membership register.

10.5. District Secretaries

10.5.1. He / She shall discharge all duties and responsibilities of the General Secretary within the district / institution.
10.5.2. The district Secretaries shall organise all activities of the Association including enrolment of life members.
10.5.3. He / She shall co-ordinate the activities of the Association in the district / institution, in consultation with the General Secretary.

10.6. Treasurer

10.6.1. He / She shall be responsible for accounting of the finances of VAAK. The account shall got audited by a Chartered Accountant and presented in the General body.
10.6.2. He / She shall be the custodian of the registers pertaining to the accounts of the Association.
10.6.3. He / She shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the directory of life members in consultation with the General Secretary and Joint Secretary responsible for maintaining the membership register.
10.6.4. Two auditors duly elected by the General body shall conduct internal audit of account.

10.7. Editor

10.7.1. He / She shall be responsible for timely publication of the Alumni Newsletter. The periodicity of the Newsletter can be decided by the Executive Committee.
10.7.2. The Associate Editor shall help the Editor in discharging the responsibilities of the Editor.

11. Quorum

11.1. The quorum for the Executive Committee shall be 1/3 rd of the members including proxies.
11.2. The quorum for the General body meeting shall be a minimum of 50 members including proxies.
11.3. If the General body could not be convened due to lack of quorum, a special General body shall be convened within a month without notice and with the same agenda. The date & venue of this General body shall be announced in the General body in which the quorum could not be satisfied.
11.4. No quorum shall be insisted for the special General body, so convened.

12. Records of the Association

12.1. The following records shall be maintained by the Association.

12.1.1. Membership Register
12.1.2. Cash Book
12.1.3. Passbooks
12.1.4. Cheque books
12.1.5. Register of deposits.
12.1.6. Register of endowments / awards
12.1.7. Receipt books.